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Paftar stacking models provide safe transport of heavy loads in transport and lifting operations. Due to its ergonomic design, strong structure and versatility, you can facilitate the most challenging tasks of your business such as transport, lifting, vehicle unloading and stacking with our stacking machines. There are many stacker models with different lifting capacity and working principle according to your storage and transport needs. According to the type of operation; Start examining our stacker models, which are divided into three as manual stack, semi-powered stack and full battery stack, in detail.
Total 22 product is listed.
1500 kg lifting capacity, 3000 mm height, C type steel mast, economical fully battery powered stacker
  • High Performance Pump and Cylinder with DC Motor
  • American Curtis Control Card
  • Fast and Slow Motion Mode
  • Last Height Protection Switch
1500 kg lifting capacity, 2600 mm height, strong tensile steel mast, professional fully battery powered stacker with operator platform
  • Strong Tensile Steel Mast Body
  • Centrally Positioned Steering Wheel
  • Operator Platform
  • Thick Fork Structure Against External Factors
  • 120Ah GEL Battery
1500 kg lifting capacity, 3500 mm height, C type steel mast, economical fully battery powered stacker
  • High Performance Pump and Cylinder with DC Motor
  • American Curtis Control Card
  • Fast and Slow Motion Mode
  • Last Height Protection Switch
1500 kg lifting capacity, 3600 mm height, strong tensile steel mast, professional fully battery powered stacker with operator platform
  • Strong Tensile Steel Mast Body
  • Centrally Positioned Steering Wheel
  • Operator Platform
  • Thick Fork Structure Against External Factors
  • 120Ah GEL Battery
Full battery (electric) stacker with operator platform; Thanks to its wide foot structure, it works in harmony with pallets in accordance with American standards and provides efficient transport and stacking.
  • Strong Tensile Steel Mast Body
  • Centrally Positioned Steering Wheel
  • Operator Platform
  • Thick Fork Structure Against External Factors
  • 120Ah GEL Battery
Professional full battery stacker with freelift feature, 1500 kg lifting capacity, 4600 mm height, suitable for intensive and heavy duty, with driver platform
  • German ZF Transmission
  • AC Walking Motor
  • 1600 mm Freelift Lifting
  • High Capacity Traction Battery
  • Impact Resistant Professional Chassis
1600 kg lifting capacity, 4600 mm height, suitable for intensive and heavy duty, professional cordless stacker with drive platform
  • Wide and Balanced Body
  • AC Walking Motor
  • High Capacity Traction Battery
  • Impact Resistant Professional Chassis
  • Heavy Duty Fork Structure
  • Operator Platform
1600 kg lifting capacity, 4600 mm height, suitable for intensive and heavy duty, professional cordless stacker with drive platform
1600 kg lifting capacity, 5500 mm height, suitable for intensive and heavy duty, professional cordless stacker with driver platform
  • Wide and Balanced Body
  • AC Walking Motor
  • High Capacity Traction Battery
  • Impact Resistant Professional Chassis
  • Heavy Duty Fork Structure
  • Operator Platform
1600 kg lifting capacity, 5500 mm height, suitable for intensive and heavy duty, professional cordless stacker with driver platform
Click here to view the products.
Stacking machines; It acts as professional equipment in transport, lifting, unloading, loading, unloading and stacking operations. Paftar stackers with different weights and different lifting heights offer suitable solutions for businesses in warehouse logistics. Businesses frequently prefer stacking machines due to their small size compared to forklifts, easy and economical use in narrow spaces with flexible manoeuvrability. Especially; It is widely used in food, retail, production, textile, construction and service sectors.

Stackers according to working types; It is divided into 3 as manual stacker, semi-powered stacker, full battery stacker. There are also subcategories of working types.  When choosing a stacker, businesses should first pay attention to the type of work and intensity of use. Points to be considered when choosing a stacker; usage area, usage method, load capacity, lifting height, pallet type, working time and manoeuvrability.

Although it has a simple working system that can be used by any personnel who do not require a driving licence, it is preferred because it facilitates heavy work. The fuel and maintenance costs of the stacker are much lower than the forklift. It is very easy to use in businesses with narrow space. Stackers provide less aisle space for loading and unloading products in narrow areas such as shelf space.

All of our products are manufactured in accordance with CE standards with great care and are subjected to quality control during the production phase and production errors are eliminated and problem-free products are delivered to the user. The fact that the masts and other components used in stacking machines are high quality materials distinguishes the quality of the Paftar brand. As Paftar brand, our stacker prices are more affordable than other brands because we sell one-to-one to the end user and there is no intermediary institution in between. We stand out with our wide service network and large stock of spare parts for stacking machines. The professional work of our service department, maximising customer satisfaction with fast, economical and strategic solutions distinguishes us from other brands in the sector.

-The working system varies according to the stacker models. Manual stacking machines; lifting, lowering and walking are completely operator powered and have a manual operating system. Businesses with very rare stacking needs should be preferred. Because it is very difficult to move the load. Lifting the forks with hand or foot pump requires time and energy as it is a manual process.

Semi-battery stackers; lifting and lowering automatically with the power from the battery, walking is carried out manually with the operator's muscle power. Businesses with medium frequency stacking needs should be preferred. The reason for this is that even if the lifting of the load is battery powered, operator power is needed to move the stacker. -Full battery stackers; lifting, lowering and walking are completely powered by battery power. When choosing a full battery stacker, the model should be selected according to the hours of use during the day.

You must use the stacker in accordance with the operating instructions and specifications.

The basic principle of all stackers is not to walk and manoeuvre while the load is up. Manoeuvring should be done after the load is removed from the shelf and the forks are lowered to the bottom.  In the maintenance of the stacker, the inside of the lift must be lubricated with liquid press and the hydraulic oil in the pump must be changed regularly. Although it varies according to the stacker model, attention should be paid to the duration of use, periodic maintenance, battery indicator and charging time. The stacker should never be used when the charger is connected to the machine. Otherwise, high current will be drawn from the charger and the circuit board will break down. Maintenance should be carried out at regular intervals to prevent the motor coals of DC motor products from running out and the motor collector from deteriorating.

We are always with our customers for after-sales customer support with our wide and high quality service. With our unlimited product spare parts stock, we provide the fastest service for stacker spare parts.