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Manual stackers, whose lifting and transporting process is operator-powered, offer options suitable for the needs of businesses with different features. Manual stacker models with different features such as bending-resistant material structure, lightweight design, adjustable forks and removable table have the ability to carry loads between 400 kg and 1.5 tonnes and lift them to different heights. Start examining manual stacker models with ideal working performance for small and medium-sized logistics tasks, which are preferred by small businesses with less work intensity.
Total 4 product is listed.
Manual stacker with 1500 kg lifting capacity, 1600 mm height, adjustable forks reinforced against bending
  • Adjustable Fork Width
  • C Type Strong Lift Structure Made of Thick Sheet Metal
  • Full Cage Protection
  • Wheel Movement Lock
400 kg lifting capacity, 850 mm height, easy-to-use manual stacker with table and adjustable forks
  • Use with removable tray or fork
  • Adjustable Fork Width
  • Lightweight Design
  • Wheel Movement Lock
350 kg lifting capacity, 1600 mm height, operator-powered, manual barrel stacker
  • Operator Friendly Easy Operation
  • Easy Barrel Grabbing
  • Manual Reducer For Tilting Barrels
  • Wheel Movement Lock
Manual stacker with 1000 kg lifting capacity, 2500 mm height, adjustable forks reinforced against bending
  • Adjustable Fork Width
  • C Type Strong Lift Structure Made of Thick Sheet Metal
  • Full Cage Protection
  • Wheel Movement Lock
Start looking at semi-powered stacker models with reinforced column rail system, chain-driven steering and adjustable fork width.
Manual stackers; It has a working system in which the loads are lifted to different heights with the support of hydraulic jack and the machine is pushed by the operator's muscle power. Manual stackers do not have a battery or electrical system. They are the most economical models among the stacking machines and the most used models of operator muscle power. It has a simple working system. Manual stacker offers a practical storage solution in areas where lowering and lifting is difficult.

There are 85 cm and 250 cm manual stacker models with different lifting heights and different load carrying capacities. There are also manual stack models with adjustable fork width between 330 mm and 740 mm and removable table features.

Manual stackers should be preferred in short distance works where work intensity is low and transport capacities are low. Being economical and lightening the workload makes it stand out.

All of our products are manufactured in accordance with CE standards with great care and are subjected to quality control during the production phase and production errors are eliminated and problem-free products are delivered to the user. The fact that the masts and other components used in stacking machines are high quality materials distinguishes the quality of the Paftar brand. As Paftar brand, our stacking machines prices are more affordable than other brands because we sell one-to-one to the end user and there is no intermediary institution in between. We stand out with our wide service network and large stock of spare parts for manual stacking machines. The professional work of our service department, maximising customer satisfaction with fast, economical and strategic solutions distinguishes us from other brands in the sector.

Manual stackers work with operator power. Lowering and lifting operations vary according to the models, but are performed with foot pedal or hand pedal.

-You must use the manual stacker in accordance with the operating instructions and specifications. 
-Walking and manoeuvring should not be done while the load is up, which is the basic principle in all stackers. Manoeuvring should be done after the load is removed from the shelf and the forks are lowered to the bottom. -Lubrication of the inside of the lift with liquid press and hydraulic oil in the pump must be changed once a year.

We are always with our customers for after-sales customer support with our wide and high quality service. With our unlimited product spare parts stock, we provide the fastest service for stacker spare parts.