Manual pallet trucks that provide professional and safe transport of loads have a carrying capacity from 1 tonne to 5 tonnes. As the load to be carried by manual pallet trucks increases, the sheet thickness increases and the hydraulic jack changes according to the tonnage. Iron wheels are also used instead of polyurethane wheels in heavy duty pallet truck models.
We offer you a large number of different manual pallet truck models. Our manual pallet truck models for different sectors and different working areas; standard pallet truck (euro pallet), low chassis pallet truck, scissor pallet truck, short pallet truck (düssendolf pallet truck), long pallet truck, stainless pallet truck, scissor pallet truck, pallet truck with scale and pallet truck with scale printer.
You must use it in accordance with the operating instructions and specifications on the pallet truck. The things to be considered in pallet truck maintenance are regular cleaning of wheel travelling sets and periodic checking and lubrication of moving parts. The most common mistakes in the use of pallet trucks and should be avoided; leaving the pallet truck on the ramp and under the rain. It is necessary to pay attention to these issues. You can contact our service department when necessary.
We are always with our customers in after-sales customer service with our wide and high quality service. We provide the fastest service in manual pallet truck spare parts with our unlimited product spare parts stock.