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Choosing a Pallet Truck: 7 Tips to Lighten the Transport Load!

Choosing a Pallet Truck: 7 Tips to Lighten the Transport Load!

The choice of pallet truck should be made depending on the needs and working conditions of the equipment to be used in warehouse or transport operations. Here are 6 tips to consider when choosing a pallet truck!

1. Carrying Capacity

When choosing a pallet truck, you should first consider the carrying capacity. The carrying capacity must be suitable for the weight of the material to be used. Choosing a pallet truck with a carrying capacity below your load will disrupt the work process and make your preferred low-capacity product functional. It is important to choose a load capacity suitable for your operation needs. There are pallet truck models with a carrying capacity of 1 tonne to 5 tonnes and with different features.

2. Operation Type

Pallet trucks are divided into two according to the type of operation. Manual pallet trucks move completely with operator muscle power. Manual pallet trucks, which we can characterise as traditional power, are an ideal choice for warehouse management. They offer a practical solution at low cost. In an age where technology is advancing rapidly and business processes are becoming more efficient, electric pallet trucks provide speed and efficiency in warehouse management and material handling. Battery powered pallet trucks stand out with quiet operation, high manoeuvrability and low energy consumption. When considering your pallet truck needs, you should make a choice according to the type of operation.

3. Working Environment

The pallet truck must be suitable for the environment in which it will be used. If the floor is uneven, it prevents the load from being transported in a balanced and safe manner. Another important issue in the working environment is narrow corridors. The manoeuvrability of the pallet truck to be used in narrow corridors must be high.

4. Wheel Type

Wheel selection is important according to the type of ground on which the pallet truck will be used. Polyurethane (red) wheel, thanks to its durable, smooth and non-marking structure, provides easy movement for transporting heavy loads on rough ground. Polyamide wheel (bone wheel) pallet trucks provide easier movement on hard floors such as epoxy, asphalt and concrete. In addition, it is widely used in chemical and food industries because it is resistant to chemicals. It does not leave marks on the floor and has a hard structure. Rubber wheel pallet trucks are frequently preferred in the store retail sector due to their quiet operation. Rubber material leaves marks on wooden and tiled floors, the floor structure should be taken into consideration when choosing.

5. Pallet Type

When choosing a pallet truck, you can choose a model according to the pallet type. It may vary depending on the needs of your warehouse or business and transport operations with pallets. There are also different pallet types other than the standard euro pallet, which is the most common to use. There are long fork or short fork pallet truck models for different industries and work areas. You need to choose according to the needs of your business.

6. Service and Spare Parts

One of the issues you should pay attention to in pallet trucks, which are the most common lifting equipment, is service and spare parts service. Choosing a pallet truck from a reliable brand can give you an advantage in terms of product durability and performance. In case of any technical problems or maintenance needs that may occur in pallet trucks, it is necessary to provide fast and effective support, stock and quality of spare parts.

7. Price and Budget

Finally, you need to consider your budget. But not only price, but also performance and suitability for your needs.

Choosing a pallet truck plays a critical role in optimising your business processes and setting the stage for future success. We recommend that you consider both your short-term and long-term goals when choosing the most suitable pallet truck for your needs.

We are always at your disposal for any questions or requirements.